Who we serve​

Providing solutions throughout the housing industry​


Empowering Sustainability and Efficiency in Affordable Housing

Harness the power of cutting-edge technology to revolutionize water conservation and leak detection in affordable housing. Our comprehensive suite of real-time monitor sensing solutions and intelligent tools is designed specifically to meet the unique needs of affordable housing providers.


Advanced Water Monitoring & Leak Detection Solutions for Hospitality Groups

Unlock the potential of cutting-edge water monitoring and leak detection solutions designed exclusively for the hospitality industry. Deliver advanced technology and tailored tools to help hotels, resorts, and other hospitality establishments optimize water usage, enhance sustainability, and reduce costs.


Unlock Monthly Utility Savings

Did you know that up to 30% of the water you pay for isn’t even used by the occupant of your premises? Aging pipes and infrastructure mean that leaking pipes squander water before it’s even been used, while you foot the bill. Our leak detection products and water conservation initiatives ensure that you pay for what you use, ensuring you aren’t blindsided by high utility costs. 


Sustainability concerns in affordable housing

When you don’t even know how much water you’re wasting, you can kiss being regarded as ‘sustainable’ goodbye. It is not possible to operate as a sustainable business if you are wasting water as a result of bad and outdated infrastructure. Our solutions will enable you to use water sustainably, allowing you to be regarded as a sustainable enterprise. 

Concept water saving at home, reducing use. Water supply problems. Water tap with flowing water with
Changing the World​

Lower your eco-ratings

In an environment where rent and utility costs are climbing without an end in sight, tenants are looking to cut costs wherever possible. By ensuring that you can outprice our competition and provide lower utility costs, you are more likely to attract and retain tenants. 

Save money, save the environment

Our resource saving products are designed to save water and energy in affordable housing, cutting your costs and limiting waste of our resources. We do not charge any upfront costs and require no bulk payment- a savings all around!

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